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Central Park Surgery Center

Septoplasty / Turbinates

Knowing What to Expect

Preparing for surgery can feel overwhelming or scary if you don’t know what to expect. You may have some unanswered questions and worries that make you feel this way. Knowing what to expect will help you feel less nervous and more in control.

Inferior Turbinates are two structures inside the nose—one in each nostril—that serve to warm, humidify, and filter air as it flows through the nose. But sometimes these structures can become too large, thus actually blocking airflow through one or both nostrils.

A number of methods can be used to reduce the size of the turbinates to improve this airflow, the best method depending on the patient. Some methods address the thick mucous membrane covering of the turbinate, others the bony framework of the turbinate.

Not everyone needs both turbinates surgically reduced. The price quoted is for both (right and left) inferior turbinates.

If you require only one to be reduced, the price will be lower. Frequently these two procedures, as described above, are performed together.

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